Live Your Truth Now with Mike Liguori
Live Your Truth Now with Mike Liguori
Find Your Inner Guidance To Build The Life Of Your Dreams | Ep. 15

Find Your Inner Guidance To Build The Life Of Your Dreams | Ep. 15

How Elaine Glass found her path to helping others quiet their minds and find their inner voices.

In such a noisy world filled with distraction, it often can be a challenge to sit with ourselves.

In quiet. In peace.

Letting our inner guidance come to the surface and reveal to us the next steps in our journey of life.

Elaine Glass is one of the few people I know who is empowering others to get quiet.

She does it with such grace and humility that during our episode, I found myself hanging on every word she spoke.

When we can harness the power of our inner voice, tremendous clarity gets brought to us.

After the interview, I found myself in a couple day period, speaking with more intention and thought behind my communication.

I sat in meditation much longer than I ever had.

And I found a deeper sense of self, a side of me that hadn’t been seen in years.

This interview truly is remarkable as Elaine shares her insights on why we fear love yet we crave it so deeply, how putting off the inner work is a huge mistake and the moment of truth that changed Elaine’s life forever.

You can listen to the audio up top or watch the full episode on my Youtube channel:

Find Your Inner Guidance To Build The Life Of Your Dreams


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Live Your Truth Now with Mike Liguori
Live Your Truth Now with Mike Liguori
Live Your Truth Now explores the role that authencity plays in our lives. From success, wealth, love, and experiences, each episode contains stories, lessons, and takeaways that will help you build the life you desire, step into the most authentic version of you and live your truth now.
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